#国際結婚 #国際恋愛 #internationalcouple

My jobs vol.2 ー Written by guy ー

Last week I started work at “kinder kids”
An English school for children and I was so surprised when I entered “my class” as to just how good these kids were at English.


To have worked for 2 and a half years in all Japanese to come into a job and only speak English was hard.
I kept wanting to reply in Japanese.
Once I had gotten used to it I was very aware just how easy it was to learn a language from a young age.
Many of the 3 - 4 year olds could speak English much better then any adult learning English I had seen so far.


It was funny to see when there parents pick them up from school the kids would switch straight to Japanese and have a fluent conversational with the parents about there day.

Which amazed me, I’ve been around the Japanese language for 2 years and still struggle with basics and these kids already have a great understanding of English and Japanese.

I envy these kids but at the same time adore them.
I’ve only been at this school for 2 weeks but already I hear them shouting my name as soon as the see me and I love coming into work and seeing there smiling faces.

I can’t wait until I’m a full time teacher and have a class of my own.
For now I’ll try my best as a daycare teacher but as I get to know each student more and more I feel like there parent.
Looking after them and caring for them.
Helping them eat lunch and play games.
My wife’s friends have kids who never really see foreigners faces and every time they see me they get scared.

The kids at kinder kids are different and treat me no different than if I was Japanese which makes me have great hopes for Japan.


Thank u guys!

Have a lovely night!




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