#国際結婚 #国際恋愛 #internationalcouple

WH experience① ー Written by guy ー

Doing a working holiday in Japan without knowing any Japanese was a weird f:id:carter_couple:20191013133124j:image

experience.A lot of people like to plan there trips and pack in excess.
I on the other hand like to wing it and pack light so for three months in Nagano all I took with me was a backpack with some clothes.

I had to be outside Nagano train station at 6am to meet the company who would take me to my hotel and explain what I’d be doing ect.

My 10 hour plane ride landed at Narita airport at 8:30 and thankfully navigating my way to the trains was quite easy thanks to all the signs at the airport.

At about 9pm I got onto a train that took me into Tokyo.
The next train station was alittle bit confusing and had multiple levels so I got lost easily.

Fearing I had missed my train I frantically ran around until I finally found the Shinkansen.

I’d never seen a “bullet train” before so this was quite a nice experience in it self.
2 hours later I was at Nagano station standing outside in the cold at midnight.

I hadn’t booked a hotel thinking I’d just find one around, but most places appeared to be closed.
I started to walk around thinking I’d find one eventually when I was approached by a group of drunk men in business suits.
A couple of them could speak broken English and they wanted me to join them.
Saying let’s drink over and over.
I thought what the hell and joined them in an izakaya where they bought me food and drinks while they practiced their English with me.

They were very kind and even directed me to a hotel after the bar had closed.
By this time it was 2am.
I checked in and fell asleep straight away and was brutally awaken by my alarm 3 hours later.

I rushed to the meeting point and found a group of foreigners who had stayed at a hotel right next to the station.
I couldn’t help but feel like I shouldn’t have winged it as they all looked well rested and “genki”
whereas I looked like a raccoon with black bags under my eyes and I was hungover.

First impressions are great aren’t they.
We met the company managers and they took us to Goryu hotel

Here we met the hotels staff manager and our company managers translated everything for us.

I would be to work at the gondola station with a team of Japanese people.


I'll write about my work life in the next blog!


Thank u guys!

Have a lovely weekend!!




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